Erie | Quincy | Tompkins

A Journey to the Private with a Private Marriage Contract

Bob and Sarah had always envisioned a marriage that was not only rooted in love and faithbut also free from third-party interference. With a shared belief in protecting their personal sovereignty, they decided to take the unconventional path of creating a **Private Marriage Contract/Covenant**.


While most couples go the standard route of applying for a state marriage license, Bob and Sarah felt convicted that their union should remain between them and their Creator, without the state’s involvement. After hearing about EQT’s expertise in creating private contracts, they reached out to us with a clear goal: establish their marriage covenant in alignment with their spiritual and legal convictions while securing their future wealth through a Private Banking Trust.


Crafting the Covenant


At EQT, we understand that every couple’s values and circumstances are unique. Bob and Sarah sat down with our team and were given the opportunity to customize their marriage covenant. This included incorporating aspects of their religious beliefs as well as reflecting the vision for the family they wanted to build together.


“We were excited to have the freedom to make the covenant our own,” said Sarah. “It felt like we were setting a foundation that would reflect our deepest values—not just for ourselves, but for the family we hope to raise.”


Once the final covenant was crafted and agreed upon, Bob and Sarah signed the contract in a private ceremony with family and friends.


Lawfully Changing Sarah’s Last Name


A major hurdle for newly married couples is the name-change process, which usually requires registering with the state. Bob and Sarah, however, were determined to handle Sarah’s last name change lawfully, without contracting with the state. EQT guided them through the steps to legally change her name—all without involving any third-party intervener.


“Our goal was to stay in the private realm, even with something as simple as a name change. EQT showed us how to do that, and it was surprisingly smooth,” said Bob.


Setting Their Marriage on a Strong Financial Footing


After the marriage covenant was finalized and the name change process was completed, Bob and Sarah didn’t stop there. They wanted to ensure that their new life together was built with an eye toward long-term financial sovereignty. With EQT’s help, they established a Private Banking Trust. This not only protected their assets from potential external risks but also set the stage for them to begin building real wealth in the private realm—free from the prying eyes of public entities.


The Results


Bob and Sarah have begun their life together in a way that’s entirely private, in line with their faith, and with the protection of both their marriage and assets secured.


“We never imagined starting our marriage off this strong,” Sarah reflected. “EQT not only helped us create a covenant that was true to who we are, but they also helped us establish a foundation for building wealth, protecting our future, and staying private.”


“We feel empowered knowing that we’re starting off on the right foot, with everything aligned to our values and goals.”