Erie | Quincy | Tompkins


Protect your Family
Secure your assets
Close your case

A man hand

Private and Public do not mix.

Many people think that they are living in the private, when in fact they are not. EQT educates their clients how to move your family, property, and wealth into the secured private realm.

How does it work?

  1. 1
    Inspection Session Link

    Examine Your Needs and Goals: Discover Your Path

    We begin by understanding your unique needs and goals to tailor a strategy that aligns with your vision for living in the private.

  2. 2

    Assess Family and Private Contracts: Identify Potential Risks

    Our team assesses your family structure and any contracts or areas of concern that could expose your private affairs, ensuring comprehensive protection.

  3. 3

    Determine Asset Protection: Secure Your Assets

    We identify and protect your paid-off properties, vehicles, and other assets, transferring them to trusts to shield them from public liabilities.

  4. 4
    Condition Report

    Address Discharge: Finalize Your Freedom

    After securing your family and assets, we guide you through the process of discharging liabilities, allowing you to fully operate in the private.

Experience Peace of Mind Living in the Private

Feel Secure Knowing All Your Assets Are Protected and You Are Free from Public Liabilities. Complete the journey to the private realm with confidence, knowing you and your family are safeguarded for generations.

Peace of Mind

Experience unparalleled tranquility knowing that your personal and family matters are secured and private.

  • Highest claim to your children, ensuring your parenting decisions are respected.
  • Freedom from state oversight, allowing you to live and make decisions without interference.
  • Full control over healthcare decisions for you and your spouse.

Remove Liabilities

Reduce your exposure to external risks and safeguard your assets from potential threats.

  • Significant reduction in liability, shielding you from asset-seeking creditors and attorneys.
  • Enhanced privacy, keeping your personal and financial affairs confidential.
  • Protection from unwanted third-party intervention in your medical and personal decisions.

Generational Wealth

Build and preserve your family's wealth for future generations through strategic planning and protection.

  • Secure your properties and wealth through effective asset protection measures.
  • Mitigate debts and taxes, ensuring your financial stability.
  • Create a lasting legacy with trusts and mechanisms that protect and grow your family's wealth over time.

Live in the Private

In the realm of equity and law, a clear distinction exists between a real, moral, sentient being living in the private and a fictional, corporate franchise living in the public.

Real, Moral Sentient Being: As a natural person, you are a living, breathing individual with inherent rights and freedoms. You operate within a framework that prioritizes personal autonomy, privacy, and the protection of your family and assets. You do not have ask for permission to have a right, you inherintally have them, given to you from God.

Private Capacity: This involves managing your affairs outside the scope of government oversight, often through private trusts and contracts, allowing you to maintain control and discretion over your life and possessions.

Live in the Private

Live in the Public

Fictional, Corporate Franchise: When you live in the public, you’re seen not as a living, breathing individual, but as a corporate entity—a piece of paper, a legal fiction. This is often represented by your name in all caps (e.g., JOHN DOE), which is not you, but a corporate franchise or file created by the state. It’s like a picture of you, not the living, sentient being you truly are. In this public capacity, you’re subject to government oversight, taxation, and statutory laws designed for corporations, not individuals. Your actions and assets become exposed to legal claims and liabilities.

Public Capacity: Operating in the public means your actions and assets are exposed to government oversight, taxation, and potential legal claims. Your interactions are governed by statutory laws that apply to corporations and other artificial entities.

What is our process?

Live in the Public
Experience True Privacy

Experience True Privacy

By transitioning from the public to the private, you move from being treated as a fictional corporate franchise subject to state control to a real, moral sentient being with greater autonomy and protection for your family and assets. This shift allows you to reclaim your inherent rights and live a life free from unnecessary public liabilities.

Moral Sentinal

Live free as a
moral sentient being.

Start building your families legacy today

Unlock the freedom and security your family deserves – contact us today to begin your journey to a private, protected life.

Talk with us